Fingers & Airto & Deodato In Concert
SACD Hybrid Multi-channel
Stolen Goods & Viva Vivaldi
All American Boy & Spring Fever
Mantovani, the undisputed King of light orchestral music, makes yet another appearance on Vocalion, this time with his 1961 Decca album Songs of Praise. In partnership with his regular arranger, Cecil Milner, Mantovani produces rich, spellbinding orchestral renditions of hymns such as Nearer my God to Thee, The Holy City, Abide with Me and The Lord's My Shepherd among others. Also included is Rock of Ages, which originally only appeared in the American version of the album. For some of the hymns, the Sammes Chorus accompanies Mantovani's orchestra, adding a further to dimension to what is a characteristically gorgeous Mantovani album.
Songs of Praise ORIGINAL LP SKL 4152 (1961) STEREO A Mighty Fortress is our God (Luther; Hedges arr Milner) Whispering Hope (Hawthorne arr Mantovani)* Nearer my God to Thee (Mason arr Milner)* The Lord's my Shepherd (Grant arr Milner) Abide with Me (Monk; Lyte arr Milner) Onward Christian Soldiers (Sullivan; Baring-Gold arr Milner)* The Holy City (Adams; Weatherly arr Mantovani) Eternal Father Strong to Save (Dykes; Whiting arr Milner)* Beautiful Isle of Somewhere (Fearis; Pounds arr Mantovani) Jesu, Lover of my Soul (Parry; Wesley arr Milner) Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring (Bach arr Milner) Little Brown Church in the Vale (Pitts arr Mantovani) All People that on Earth do Dwell (Bourgeois; Kethe arr Mantovani) Rock of Ages (Hastings; Redhead; Toplady arr Milner)*
* with the sammes chorus
CDLF 8133
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